Double Star Egg Fried Noodle

Double Star Egg Fried Noodle

by Romanti

4.7 (1)







Getting up every morning and eating a quick and nutritious breakfast is the beginning of caring for yourself. Many friends don’t like breakfast, not to mention those born in the 90s. Here I want to tell you secretly that people who don’t eat breakfast will age very quickly. Caring for yourself starts with caring for breakfast.
The best food for breakfast: eggs. The main nutrients of eggs: protein, fatty acids, vitamin B2, vitellin. Main edible effects: invigorate the brain, prevent cancer, prevent arteriosclerosis, delay aging Although eggs are good, they should not be eaten too much. One person can only eat up to 2 eggs per day. Remember not to be greedy.


Double Star Egg Fried Noodle

1. Wash the lettuce 3 times and soak it in water for later use

Double Star Egg Fried Noodle recipe

2. Wash the wat, ginger and lean meat, wash and mince the wat, ginger and set aside. Cut the lean meat into thin strips and chop with a knife until it becomes minced meat.

Double Star Egg Fried Noodle recipe

3. Fry the eggs in a hot pan (fry on a small fire). When the surface of the egg liquid is about to solidify, sprinkle a little salt on the surface of the egg so that the fried egg is more delicious

Double Star Egg Fried Noodle recipe

4. 0k The frying pan is still hot. Put oil on medium and low heat, add ginger and saute, add minced meat, cooking wine, soy sauce and stir fry until the meat is cooked and colored and ready for use.
Then wash the pot on a low heat, add soy milk and a little sugar to make it fresh (don’t add polysaccharides), stir fry, mash, add the minced meat, stir fry a few times, add an appropriate amount of cold water and simmer until the sauce is almost collected. Okay, it's beautiful to be out of the pot

Double Star Egg Fried Noodle recipe

5. Wash the pot with cold water and boil the bottom strips to boil

Double Star Egg Fried Noodle recipe

6. After boiling, put lettuce in the noodles, and drizzle a small amount of oil on the lettuce (so that the color of the vegetable will look good, but remember not to add too much, the soup is too oily to drink) Okay, so it can be cooked again. Put the pot on the table

Double Star Egg Fried Noodle recipe

7. Put lettuce and a small amount of chicken essence on the bottom of the bowl. Put eggs, lettuce, and sauce in the soup underneath, and then sprinkle with chopped green onions to make a delicious breakfast. Aha! Does such a beautiful and delicious breakfast make you appetite?

Double Star Egg Fried Noodle recipe


When frying the eggs, be sure to have a low heat so that the eggs will be tender. (Our pan and battery stove are not good, they will always stick. I believe yours will do better


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