Drunk Shrimp

Drunk Shrimp

by Xiaolan Private Kitchen

4.8 (1)








Drunk Shrimp

1. Wash the river prawns and drain the water, pour them into a glass bowl, add 150ml high white wine, cover and simmer for 10 minutes, let them drunk

Drunk Shrimp recipe

2. While drunk the prawns, remove the white flesh on the orange peel and shred, shred the ginger, crush the garlic head, mince the chives, and cut a few dried chilies

Drunk Shrimp recipe

3. Put sugar (more points), light soy sauce, oyster sauce, rose vinegar, and southern milk in a bowl with shredded ginger, mix well

Drunk Shrimp recipe

4. Strain out the wine in the shrimp bowl, leaving a little bit, then pour the seasoning in and mix well!

Drunk Shrimp recipe


The wine used for drunken shrimp must be high in white wine, so as to kill the bacteria in the shrimp. The shrimp must be alive. The dead river shrimp has toxins. When mixing the seasoning, you must have more sugar, because In addition to vinegar, southern milk is the most critical seasoning, and it cannot be missed


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