Duck Egg Yolk Cornmeal Pasta

Duck Egg Yolk Cornmeal Pasta

by Sea waves

5.0 (1)







The duck egg white was requisitioned, and there was a large bowl of duck egg yolk left. I really didn’t know how to eat it. I happened to receive the notification that the Baijia "Creative Weathervane" function was online. Let’s use it to make a simple breakfast. You can participate in activities and also Can consume part of the remaining duck egg yolk, the best of both worlds! So I asked my family for advice on how to eat duck egg yolk for breakfast. I actually asked for brazed noodles and cornmeal breakfast cakes. The only request was made by the children, and you should add more sugar! It shows the charm of this cornmeal cake, it is really the favorite of the whole family. "


Duck Egg Yolk Cornmeal Pasta

1. Add appropriate amount of water to the cornmeal, stir evenly with a spatula, cover with plastic wrap, and ferment naturally in a warm place for more than 4 hours. It is better to have a starter, or add yogurt to speed up the fermentation speed. Of course, the fastest is to use yeast. People like it, I like natural fermentation.

Duck Egg Yolk Cornmeal Pasta recipe

2. Melt 3g of baking soda with warm water and add it to the fermented corn batter, stir well, and smell it without sourness.

Duck Egg Yolk Cornmeal Pasta recipe

3. Add 4 duck egg yolks and stir well.

Duck Egg Yolk Cornmeal Pasta recipe

4. Add appropriate amount of sugar according to each person's taste and mix well.

Duck Egg Yolk Cornmeal Pasta recipe

5. Brush the electric baking pan with a thin layer of oil, use a spoon to scoop a spoonful of batter into the pan, one spoonful of a cake, heat up and down at medium temperature, one pan for about one minute, the cake is relatively thin, the effect of heating is not too great, but there is heat The speed is fast, and the speed of turning off the heat is slow. It depends on personal habits.

Duck Egg Yolk Cornmeal Pasta recipe

6. If you want a burnt fragrant texture on both sides, turn it over and fry it, and the pancakes are actually cooked.

Duck Egg Yolk Cornmeal Pasta recipe

7. Out of the pan, is this pancake very appetizing!

Duck Egg Yolk Cornmeal Pasta recipe


1. If you don't like to eat cornmeal, you can add some flour at a ratio of 1:1, or use all flour. I like the cakes made from cornmeal to be soft and sweet.
2. It can be fermented with yeast instead of baking soda.


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