Five Bean Soup

Five Bean Soup

by Peanuts 608

4.9 (1)







Mung beans: clearing away heat and detoxifying red beans: nourishing blood and strengthening the heart Jiangdou: strengthening the spleen and nourishing the kidney Pea: high protein and B vitamins

All kinds of beans grown at home are mixed with a piece of soup. Let’s not talk about the effect. Anyway, it is quite enjoyable to drink. If you come to this beautiful soup in a bowl in the hot summer, this summer is enough. "


Five Bean Soup

1. Various kinds of beans grown in-house.

Five Bean Soup recipe

2. A piece of yellow sugar or rock sugar in an appropriate amount.

Five Bean Soup recipe

3. Soak in water for 2 hours.

Five Bean Soup recipe

4. Add half a pot of water to the rice cooker.

Five Bean Soup recipe

5. Add the soaked beans to the pot and press the [porridge/soup] button (the whole process is about 50 minutes).

Five Bean Soup recipe

6. When the time is up, the rice cooker will automatically jump. Open the lid and put the yellow sliced sugar or rock sugar in according to personal taste. Cover the lid and wait for 5 minutes. Wait for the sugar slices to melt and mix well.

Five Bean Soup recipe

7. Out of the pot.

Five Bean Soup recipe


1. The soaking time of the beans depends on the pot used to cook the soup. If you use an ordinary pot, it is best to soak for one night. I use a rice cooker for fine cooking. The cooking time is relatively long, so just soak it slightly;
2. The ratio of beans is combined according to your own preferences. There is no fixed ratio. If you like the amount, put more beans if you like thicker sand, and less beans if you like to drink soup;
3. It tastes better when it is chilled in the refrigerator when it is hot.


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