Fresh White Fungus Soup

Fresh White Fungus Soup

by Smiling butterfly

4.9 (1)








Fresh White Fungus Soup

1. Prepare a variety of materials, fresh fungus is relatively large, you can cut some of the fungus for use as needed.

Fresh White Fungus Soup recipe

2. Put the fresh white fungus into the rice-washing water or water with flour to wash it, and then rinse it with clean water

Fresh White Fungus Soup recipe

3. Cut the cleaned white fungus into smaller pieces.

Fresh White Fungus Soup recipe

4. Put it in a rice cooker, add a bowl of water and white fungus for cooking

Fresh White Fungus Soup recipe

5. Add yellow rock sugar after 10 minutes

Fresh White Fungus Soup recipe

6. Add dried longan

Fresh White Fungus Soup recipe

7. Add lily slices in half an hour

Fresh White Fungus Soup recipe

8. Add red dates

Fresh White Fungus Soup recipe

9. The wolfberry was added to the white fungus soup in the last 15 minutes

Fresh White Fungus Soup recipe

10. After the white fungus soup is cooked, the gelatin is smooth and tender, and the soup is sticky.

Fresh White Fungus Soup recipe


A large fresh white fungus can be stored for about two or three days, and the white fungus soup is best eaten on the same day.


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