Fried Buckwheat Fish

Fried Buckwheat Fish

by Large frying spoon

4.9 (1)







"Buckwheat" is a healthy food crop. The grain protein of buckwheat is rich in lysine. According to the comparison of the data, the trace elements such as iron, manganese and zinc are also richer than ordinary grains, and buckwheat also contains The rich dietary fiber is about 10 times that of ordinary refined rice. Therefore, regular consumption of some foods processed with buckwheat has good nutrition and health effects.
In addition, buckwheat also contains niacin and rutin (rutin). Rutin has the effects of lowering blood lipids and cholesterol in the human body, softening blood vessels, protecting eyesight and preventing cerebral hemorrhage. Niacin can promote the metabolism of the human body, enhance the ability of detoxification, expand the capillaries and reduce the cholesterol in the blood, and indirectly play an anti-embolism effect.
The disadvantage of buckwheat is that it contains low grain protein, and the main protein is globulin. These deficiencies of buckwheat can be complemented by other grains when making pasta. For example, some wheat flour or other miscellaneous grains can be added to make noodles or steamed buns, so as to achieve nutritional complementation. In Shanxi and Shaanxi, the chefs usually add some flour when using buckwheat to make food, which not only increases the taste but also solves the problem of nutritional complementarity.
The carbohydrates in buckwheat are mainly starch. Because of its finer particles, compared with other cereals, it is easy to cook, easy to digest, and easy to process. Buckwheat is also often used in Korean and Japanese noodles, such as Korean cold noodles and Japanese multigrain noodles. These noodles are mainly buckwheat. There are even more ways to eat in our country. Today, we use buckwheat noodles to make a delicacy called "fried buckwheat fish". The method is as follows;"

Fried Buckwheat Fish

1. Mix the buckwheat flour and wheat flour with a little salt and mix well.

Fried Buckwheat Fish recipe

2. Then mix the noodles with water, and the dough should be moderately firm.

Fried Buckwheat Fish recipe

3. Cover the dough with a wet towel and relax for ten minutes.

Fried Buckwheat Fish recipe

4. After the dough is relaxed, take it out and use a rolling pin to roll it into a 0.5 cm thick dough sheet.

Fried Buckwheat Fish recipe

5. Cut the rolled dough sheet 5 cm wide.

Fried Buckwheat Fish recipe

6. Then cut into small noodles.

Fried Buckwheat Fish recipe

7. Rub the small noodles one by one with your hands into the noodle fish.

Fried Buckwheat Fish recipe

8. Boil the water in the pot, add the noodles and cook until they float on the surface, and cook for 3 minutes to remove.

Fried Buckwheat Fish recipe

9. Then cool the noodle fish with water and set aside.

Fried Buckwheat Fish recipe

10. Heat a wok with a little oil, add the pork belly and stir fry. Stir out the oil and add the ginger until fragrant.

Fried Buckwheat Fish recipe

11. Then pour in onion strips and spring bamboo shoots strips and stir fry, stir-fry and cook with Shao wine and soy sauce.

Fried Buckwheat Fish recipe

12. Pour the noodle fish and stir fry over high heat. After the noodle fish is fried thoroughly, season with a little salt and MSG.

Fried Buckwheat Fish recipe

13. Adjust the flavor, pour in all the ingredients and stir fry evenly.

Fried Buckwheat Fish recipe

14. Fry the ingredients until they are broken and cook with a little balsamic vinegar and stir well.

Fried Buckwheat Fish recipe

15. Wait for the vinegar to evaporate a little bit, then the pan will be out.

Fried Buckwheat Fish recipe


The characteristics of fried noodle fish; the color is oily and beautiful, the noodle fish has a slight vinegar fragrance, the chewing is smooth and chewy, the taste is delicious, the preparation is simple and easy to learn, and the nutrition is rich and healthy.


1. The dough should be moderately soft and hard. The noodle fish should be five to seven centimeters long, and the thickness should be similar to the small head of chopsticks.

2. The side dishes can be matched according to your own preference, it can also be fried spicy or sauce-flavored.

3. Eat noodle fish in summer. You can also mix it with sesame sauce, garlic paste, chili oil, etc. after being cooked.

This private healthy delicacy "Fried Buckwheat Fish" from Big Frying Spoon is ready for your friends' reference!


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