Fried Salmon with Apple Sauce

Fried Salmon with Apple Sauce

by maria_ping

4.6 (1)







Cut the salmon into sections, boil broccoli in water, boil potatoes, add oil to the pan, fry the salmon and sprinkle with salt and pepper."


Fried Salmon with Apple Sauce

1. Don't use a high fire, so as not to be unfamiliar in the middle, fry until the color on both sides is beautiful, and cook in the middle. Use a small medium heat.

Fried Salmon with Apple Sauce recipe

2. One apple.

Fried Salmon with Apple Sauce recipe

3. Cut into small dices, not too big.

Fried Salmon with Apple Sauce recipe

4. Gräddefil sour cream.

Fried Salmon with Apple Sauce recipe

5. Sour cream 2dl.

Fried Salmon with Apple Sauce recipe

6. Add a little salt, a little pepper, and half a lemon juice.

Fried Salmon with Apple Sauce recipe

7. Add 1 scoop of majonäs. This is a sauce made with oil and egg yolk. I use lemon flavor.

Fried Salmon with Apple Sauce recipe

8. Stir evenly, put a little bit if you like meat fragrant.

Fried Salmon with Apple Sauce recipe

9. They are all ready, ready to be plated, and beautifully placed.

Fried Salmon with Apple Sauce recipe


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