Fruit Naked Cake

Fruit Naked Cake

by Snow and ink flying

4.9 (1)







Fruit Naked Cake

1. Prepare an eight-inch chiffon cake base

Fruit Naked Cake recipe

2. Divide evenly into three slices with a cake slicer

Fruit Naked Cake recipe

3. Wash the fruits and set aside

Fruit Naked Cake recipe

4. Leave a few strawberries of the same size. Peel the green awns and cut them horizontally into thin slices.

Fruit Naked Cake recipe

5. The strawberry is divided into two, the orange is sliced, and the kiwi is sliced.

Fruit Naked Cake recipe

6. Whip the whipped cream with 60 grams of sugar.

Fruit Naked Cake recipe

7. Whipped cream!

Fruit Naked Cake recipe

8. Take a piece of cake base, dig out an appropriate amount of light cream, and smooth it with a spatula.

Fruit Naked Cake recipe

9. Spread fruits at intervals as shown in the picture, and place small dices in the middle.

Fruit Naked Cake recipe

10. Spread the second layer of cake base.

Fruit Naked Cake recipe

11. Spread fruits at intervals as shown.

Fruit Naked Cake recipe

12. Spread the last layer of cake base, spread a layer of light cream on the surface, and smooth it slightly.

Fruit Naked Cake recipe

13. Use the remaining whipped cream to squeeze a circle of roses on the surface of the cake.

Fruit Naked Cake recipe

14. The mango slices are surrounded by roses and placed on the cake surface for decoration.

Fruit Naked Cake recipe

15. Put the mango flowers and strawberries on it, and you're done!

Fruit Naked Cake recipe

16. Finished product.

Fruit Naked Cake recipe


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