Glutinous Rice Rolls

Glutinous Rice Rolls

by elmonte

4.7 (1)







Glutinous rice rolls are one of many desserts in Guangdong. I never had a chance to eat it after I came to the United States. Two days ago, I made waxy glutinous rice, and there was some leftover, which was used to make this glutinous rice roll. "


Glutinous Rice Rolls

1. Put the dough material into the bread machine, knead it into a smooth dough according to the dough procedure, and ferment to twice its size.

Glutinous Rice Rolls recipe

2. Shape the glutinous rice into long strips, about 8 inches long, 2 inches wide, and 1 inch high.

Glutinous Rice Rolls recipe

3. Take out the dough, press to exhaust, and divide into 2 portions. Take a portion and open it into a rectangular shape, which is about the same length as a stick of glutinous rice. The width is twice that of glutinous rice noodles.

Glutinous Rice Rolls recipe

4. Cut off the excess edges.

Glutinous Rice Rolls recipe

5. Wrap the glutinous rice and squeeze it tightly.

Glutinous Rice Rolls recipe

6. With the mouth down, cut the glutinous rice rolls equally. (You don’t need to cut it, steam it whole and then cut it.)

Glutinous Rice Rolls recipe

7. Put it in the steamer and let relax for 30 minutes.

Glutinous Rice Rolls recipe

8. In a pan under cold water, turn to high heat and steam for 15 minutes. Turn off the heat and simmer for 5 minutes.

Glutinous Rice Rolls recipe

9. The skin is soft and the glutinous rice is salty and fragrant.

Glutinous Rice Rolls recipe


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