Golden Crispy Spicy Meatloaf

Golden Crispy Spicy Meatloaf

by littlelittle

4.8 (1)







The bag of Indian flying cakes has been bought for a long time. I bought it to make egg tarts, but I have been too lazy to lift the oven out (the dorm is small, and everything is stacked on the principle of saving space). But I can’t just keep good flying cakes like this. I still have to actively respond to the call of gourmets for a spring outing~~ I usually eat too much sweet, what kind of egg tarts, banana pie, and today I will use it to make a salty thing. Eat. What exactly is it used for? ——Golden Crispy Spicy Meatloaf"


Golden Crispy Spicy Meatloaf

1. Prepare the ingredients for the meat sauce: spicy sauce and minced meat.

Golden Crispy Spicy Meatloaf recipe

2. Mix the minced meat and spicy sauce together and stir well.

Golden Crispy Spicy Meatloaf recipe

3. Roll out the flying cake thinly, sprinkle some dry flour on the anti-sticking chopping board.

Golden Crispy Spicy Meatloaf recipe

4. Cut the rolled flying cake twice on each side, taking care not to cut the joints.

Golden Crispy Spicy Meatloaf recipe

5. Spread the spicy meat filling on the pie.

Golden Crispy Spicy Meatloaf recipe

6. Stack each side of the pie in turn.

Golden Crispy Spicy Meatloaf recipe

7. Finally fold it into a small pie, slightly flattened.

Golden Crispy Spicy Meatloaf recipe

8. Put it in the oven and bake at 170 degrees for 25 minutes.

Golden Crispy Spicy Meatloaf recipe

9. Cover with tin foil at any time to prevent heavy coloring.

Golden Crispy Spicy Meatloaf recipe


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