Head Bean Soup

Head Bean Soup

by yu Xiaoyu

4.8 (1)







I usually see that the fish head soup in the restaurant outside is very milky, and it looks delicious. Is it the milk? No, no, it's actually cooked on high fire.


Head Bean Soup

1. 1. Prepare the ingredients, the fish head is now good, and a piece of tofu. Clean and wash the fish head, rub some salt inside and out.

Head Bean Soup recipe

2. Heat the casserole over the fire, pour in a little canola oil, fry the fish head on both sides until slightly browned, put some shallots and ginger into the pot together, so that it will be more fragrant, and then pour in the right amount of cooking wine.

Head Bean Soup recipe

3. Pour in the water, add enough water at one time, don't entangle the cold water or hot water, as long as the firepower is enough, it can make a milky white soup, hahaha, cover the pot and boil on high heat.

Head Bean Soup recipe

4. 4. Wash the tofu and cut into pieces, throw it into the pot and continue cooking.

Head Bean Soup recipe

5. Knotted the shallots and put them in the pot, wash some goji berries while the pot is boiling

Head Bean Soup recipe

6. 6. Put the washed wolfberry in the soup, take a spoonful of salt (according to your own taste), it is too fragrant and fresh off the eyebrows.

Head Bean Soup recipe

7. 7. Put it out of the pot, put it in a big soup bowl, it's really delicious!

Head Bean Soup recipe


Tips: There must be a big fire, enough water at one time!


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