Homemade Turmeric Candy Chips

Homemade Turmeric Candy Chips

by Xuefenger

4.6 (1)







Yellow ginger is also known as Chuandilong, the soil is dumb ginger, and the scientific name is Dioscorea zingiberensis. It is a perennial herbaceous vine. Its tubers have high medicinal and chemical value. The gingerol and diphenylheptane contained in ginger The structure of these compounds has strong anti-oxidation and free radical scavenging effects, inhibiting tumor effects, eating ginger can resist aging, and the elderly often eat ginger to remove "age spots". This ginger candy is made from Laiwu yellow ginger. The taste of yellow ginger is not as spicy as ginger. It is suitable for making ginger candy tablets. It drives away cold and dampness. It has a good health function. Usually eating some is very good for the Eucharist. There are benefits. .


Homemade Turmeric Candy Chips

1. This ginger is the best yellow ginger

Homemade Turmeric Candy Chips recipe

2. Peel the turmeric

Homemade Turmeric Candy Chips recipe

3. Thinly sliced

Homemade Turmeric Candy Chips recipe

4. Put in the basin

Homemade Turmeric Candy Chips recipe

5. Soak in cold water to get rid of some of the spiciness. Soak it for about a morning

Homemade Turmeric Candy Chips recipe

6. Remove the dry water

Homemade Turmeric Candy Chips recipe

7. Add sugar and marinate for about 1-2 hours

Homemade Turmeric Candy Chips recipe

8. The sugar is almost melted

Homemade Turmeric Candy Chips recipe

9. Pour into the pot and heat on low heat

Homemade Turmeric Candy Chips recipe

10. After evaporating the excess water to dryness, it looks like there are a lot of white bubbles, and the ginger is already transparent.

Homemade Turmeric Candy Chips recipe

11. You can pour it into a non-stick pan

Homemade Turmeric Candy Chips recipe

12. Stir fry back and forth, it will automatically be covered with a lot of sugar when it is cold

Homemade Turmeric Candy Chips recipe

13. A healthy snack with zero failure

Homemade Turmeric Candy Chips recipe


1. The viscosity of the syrup should be well mastered when it is cooking. You can stir-fry without turning the pot, but it will be colder slowly.
2. When buying ginger, it can be regarded as color. Choose ginger with light yellow color. Normal ginger has a rough appearance and is relatively dry.
3. Pinch the meat with your hands to be firm, not soft, and the ginger sprouts are fresh and tender; you can also break the ginger, if the silk inside is bright and white, it is good, and the silk is dark yellow. Don't buy it.
4. The storage of ginger is also very simple. Don't wrap it too tightly. Put the ginger in a cool and ventilated place for about 3 to 5 days. The room must be ventilated and ventilated.


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