Hot and Sour Noodle Soup

Hot and Sour Noodle Soup

by Wanma knitting

4.9 (1)







I love noodles, especially hot and sour. It’s so appetizing and tastes great. My favorite.”


Hot and Sour Noodle Soup

1. Fried peanuts

Hot and Sour Noodle Soup recipe

2. Fried eggs

Hot and Sour Noodle Soup recipe

3. Wash the bean sprouts and blanch them in water

Hot and Sour Noodle Soup recipe

4. Add the noodles and cook

Hot and Sour Noodle Soup recipe

5. Super cold water

Hot and Sour Noodle Soup recipe

6. Laoganma Dougu

Hot and Sour Noodle Soup recipe

7. Chili oil

Hot and Sour Noodle Soup recipe

8. Laoganma, vinegar, soy sauce, homemade chili oil, ketchup, stir well, put some water just used to cook

Hot and Sour Noodle Soup recipe

9. Just put in the noodles and various ingredients

Hot and Sour Noodle Soup recipe

10. Finished product

Hot and Sour Noodle Soup recipe


The amount of various ingredients is up to everyone's preference

Laoganma chili oil alone is ok, but if you can eat spicy food, put more


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