Japanese Tofu

Japanese Tofu

by Mother Maizi

4.6 (1)







Japanese-style mixed tofu is an appetizing and refreshing home-cooked dish. Today I used my own homemade tofu with internal fat to mix it! "


Japanese Tofu

1. To make internal fat tofu: soak the soybeans one day in advance, pour the 500 grams of soaked soybeans into the food processor and add 2000ML of water. I beat it twice. Start the machine to make raw soybean milk.

Japanese Tofu recipe

2. The beaten raw pulp is slowly poured into a cotton yarn bag to filter, and finally squeezed dry by hand. Pour soy milk into the pot and heat to a boil, then turn to low heat and cook for 12 minutes

Japanese Tofu recipe

3. After dissolving 4 grams of lactone with a little warm water, pour it into the inner pot of rice bag

Japanese Tofu recipe

4. Pour the cooked soy milk into the inner pot of the rice cooker with lactone

Japanese Tofu recipe

5. After pouring, don’t stir it, just close the lid and let it stand for 20 minutes. When the time is up, open the lid and the tofu is finished.

Japanese Tofu recipe

6. Use a spoon to scoop the tofu flower into the tofu mold covered with gauze

Japanese Tofu recipe

7. Press the weight for 30 minutes, tear off the gauze and take out the tofu

Japanese Tofu recipe

8. To make mixed tofu: cut the tofu into 4 small pieces and boil it in boiling water

Japanese Tofu recipe

9. Prepare ingredients: finely chop mustard greens or dried radish, chop coriander or fresh mint leaves, and cut seaweed into shreds

Japanese Tofu recipe

10. Remove the tofu, drain the water, and put it on the plate

Japanese Tofu recipe

11. Add dried radish

Japanese Tofu recipe

12. Add mint leaves and drizzle a spoonful of Japanese soy sauce on each piece of tofu

Japanese Tofu recipe

13. Sprinkle Shanghai Tess

Japanese Tofu recipe

14. Finally, sprinkle with katsuobushi flowers and add some sesame oil

Japanese Tofu recipe


The specific method of internal fat tofu can refer to the previous recipe: the method of salted tofu


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