Korean Miso Soup

Korean Miso Soup

by βζμε

4.8 (1)







I made Korean bibimbap for Mo Mo, of course it must be served with the fragrant miso soup


Korean Miso Soup

1. Wash the zucchini and green onions

Korean Miso Soup recipe

2. Soaked Shiitake Mushrooms

Korean Miso Soup recipe

3. Wash and slice pork belly

Korean Miso Soup recipe

4. Add half a spoon of salt and a spoon of starch and mix well.

Korean Miso Soup recipe

5. Cut scallions into sections

Korean Miso Soup recipe

6. Garlic smashed

Korean Miso Soup recipe

7. Marinated tofu cut into pieces

Korean Miso Soup recipe

8. Pour the broth from the pot, add the shiitake mushrooms and garlic to boil

Korean Miso Soup recipe

9. Add scallions and cook for 5 minutes

Korean Miso Soup recipe

10. Pour the whole bag of miso and boil

Korean Miso Soup recipe

11. Put the pork belly and cook for a while, turn off the heat and simmer for 6 minutes

Korean Miso Soup recipe

12. Pour in bean sprouts and zucchini and cook for 2 minutes

Korean Miso Soup recipe

13. Finally, add the braised tofu and cook for 1 min. Turn off the heat

Korean Miso Soup recipe


For heavy flavors, sprinkle a little pepper or chili sauce after serving.


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