Lao Tang Braised Hoof

Lao Tang Braised Hoof

by Heart clear as water and pale as clouds

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When it comes to braised dishes, many people find it difficult and troublesome to make at home. In fact, if you have braised soup, it will be very convenient to make braised vegetables. Years ago, the brine of the stewed vegetables was kept frozen in the refrigerator, and from time to time, I took out some of my favorite beef, chicken feet, trotters and so on. Now that half a year has passed, the new braised soup has slowly become old braised soup. We all know that the stewed soup is more fragrant as it is cooked, but our old stewed soup is becoming more and more precious. The dishes cooked in old marinade are rich in meat and crispy, and they are good with wine and rice.”


Lao Tang Braised Hoof

1. A pig’s front leg. Please help from the meat seller. Debone the hoof and cut it into pieces and halve the claws of the pig. Take it home and shave it.

Lao Tang Braised Hoof recipe

2. After washing, put it in clean water and boil until it is boiled, one is to set the shape, the other is to remove the blood water, take it out and take a shower

Lao Tang Braised Hoof recipe

3. The stewed soup is taken out of the refrigerator in advance to thaw

Lao Tang Braised Hoof recipe

4. Spices: star anise, pepper, clove, cinnamon, sanna, grass fruit, bay leaf, anise

Lao Tang Braised Hoof recipe

5. Put an appropriate amount of oil in the wok, add two tablespoons of sugar, fry the sugar color on a low heat, and immediately turn off the heat

Lao Tang Braised Hoof recipe

6. Wait for the fried sugar color to cool slightly, then transfer it to a large pot and add an appropriate amount of water (the quality of the sugar color fried directly affects the color of the marinated food)

Lao Tang Braised Hoof recipe

7. Put the old brine into the fried sugar-colored pot and heat it to thaw

Lao Tang Braised Hoof recipe

8. Pour the spices and bring to a boil

Lao Tang Braised Hoof recipe

9. Bring to a boil, turn to low heat and simmer for 10 minutes, let the spices and flavors fully merge

Lao Tang Braised Hoof recipe

10. Pour the blanched pig's feet into the pot, add some salt to boil again, simmer for 40 minutes, turn off the heat, and soak in the brine for 3 hours (adjust the heat according to the size of the ingredients, I made it at night Soak it out the next morning)

Lao Tang Braised Hoof recipe

11. After letting it cool in summer, put it in the refrigerator and it tastes better after eating.

Lao Tang Braised Hoof recipe


1. The color of the dish from the fried sugar-colored marinade is ruddy and beautiful (but pay attention to the heat when frying)
2. Of course, you can continue to use the stewed soup after it has cooled. If you continue to marinate things in a short time, just put it in the refrigerator; if you don't use it for a long time, it's best to put it in the freezer. With this old braised soup that gets more and more fragrant, and if you want to eat braised vegetables, isn’t it just a handy thing?


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