Lemon Scented Chicken Feet

Lemon Scented Chicken Feet

by Good baking ~ teaching service of steaming and baking

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The sourness of lemon is a fresh sour taste that is different from vinegar. It also has a fresh fruity aroma, coupled with the spicyness of millet, which makes the chicken feet after a long soaking not only hot and sour, but also unique. Freshness. "


Lemon Scented Chicken Feet

1. Cut the shallots into sections, and slice the garlic and ginger. Dice millet pepper.

Lemon Scented Chicken Feet recipe

2. Cut off the nails of the fresh chicken feet, divide it into two with an oblique knife, rinse with water, put it in a large bowl, pour in the cooking wine, sprinkle half of the green onion and ginger, stir well and marinate for 15 minutes.

Lemon Scented Chicken Feet recipe

3. Put the chicken feet on the perforated steaming tray and put it in the Fangtai steamer. The Fangtai steamer selects the normal steaming mode, set to 100℃, and take it out after 20 minutes of steaming.

Lemon Scented Chicken Feet recipe

4. The chicken feet after being taken out are washed in cold water to wash away the mucus on the surface. Then soak in ice water and soak for 30 minutes.

Lemon Scented Chicken Feet recipe

5. Cut the lemon in half, use two halves to squeeze the juice into a deep bowl, and slice the other two halves into the bowl. Then mix all the remaining ingredients, add an appropriate amount of purified water and stir evenly.

Lemon Scented Chicken Feet recipe

6. Remove the chicken feet from the ice water to drain the water, put it in the ingredient bowl and stir evenly and put it in the refrigerator. It can be eaten after marinating for 4 hours.

Lemon Scented Chicken Feet recipe


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