Lettuce in Soup

Lettuce in Soup

by Five meals a day

4.9 (1)







To make a vegetable soup, you have to consider ① Try to pass the nutrients of the ingredients into the stomach without wasting; ② The vegetables should be soft and tender, the green leafy vegetables have fiber, if the baby can't chew it will spit it out; ③ The color is colorful and attracts the eye; ④ The taste is good .

At first glance, there are yellow, green and white, and the color is not monotonous; the soup is rich, the taste is delicious, and the vegetables are soft and tender; the sea rice adds a bit of saltiness, so no additional salt is needed.

The highlight of the recipe is that when cooking vegetables, add crushed egg yolks before they are out of the pot and stir it for a few times. The egg yolks will melt into the soup to make the milk soup and make the vegetables soft and tender.
Reference Moon Age: 12M+


Lettuce in Soup

1. Ingredients: 30 grams of lettuce, 25 grams of carrots, 5 grams of sea rice, 1 hard-boiled egg, a few drops of walnut oil

Lettuce in Soup recipe

2. Separate the yolk and white, and crush the yolk.

Lettuce in Soup recipe

3. Shred carrots, put a little water in a pot, add shredded carrots and washed sea rice to a boil.
>> Add as much water as you can to drink, and drink all of them in the end. Because the vitamin C and vitamin B in vegetables are basically incorporated into the soup, it is a waste not to finish drinking.

Lettuce in Soup recipe

4. After boiling, add a few drops of walnut oil, cut lettuce into the pot (cover the lid) and cook for 1 minute.
>>Last time I wrote about the difference between various oils, if you haven't read it, please take a look. You can put high-grade and not very heat-resistant oils such as virgin olive oil, linseed oil, and avocado oil at home.

Lettuce in Soup recipe

5. Add the minced egg yolk and stir it out a few times.

Lettuce in Soup recipe

6. Dice egg whites and sprinkle.

Lettuce in Soup recipe

7. At first glance, there are yellow, green and white, and the color is not monotonous; the soup is rich and has a delicious taste; the sea rice adds a bit of saltiness, so no additional salt is needed.

Lettuce in Soup recipe


This recipe has a supporting video. You can view it on the WeChat public account "Five Meals A Day". I am a national child nutritionist, familiar with the needs of healthy diets for infants and young children, and proficient in cooking.
Baby is picky eater, anorexic, doesn't like eating?
How to supplement calcium, iron, zinc and selenium? All help you solve it.
WeChat public account: five supplementary meals a day. Accompany you smoothly through the road of nutritional supplements.


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