Lettuce with Vermicelli

Lettuce with Vermicelli

by Lavender love

4.8 (1)







This is a cold dish that I researched by myself. It is light and refreshing, and it is very suitable for early summer. "


Lettuce with Vermicelli

1. Chop the garlic, wash the lettuce, put an appropriate amount of vermicelli in a bowl, and soak it in warm water

Lettuce with Vermicelli recipe

2. Put water in a pot to boil, pour the vermicelli, blanch it, remove it, and rinse it with cold water

Lettuce with Vermicelli recipe

3. Pour the vermicelli into the bowl of lettuce

Lettuce with Vermicelli recipe

4. Pour in some special grade soy sauce and vinegar, stir with chopsticks, and add some salt

Lettuce with Vermicelli recipe

5. Put an appropriate amount of vegetable oil in the pot, heat it up, then pour garlic and sauté

Lettuce with Vermicelli recipe

6. Pour the oil into the vegetable bowl immediately while it is hot

Lettuce with Vermicelli recipe

7. Add appropriate amount of sesame oil and stir evenly with chopsticks

Lettuce with Vermicelli recipe

8. This simple cold dish is ready!

Lettuce with Vermicelli recipe


Fans can be fished out by blanching them in boiling water. Master the time, they will lose their taste after a long time


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