Lobster with Oyster Sauce

Lobster with Oyster Sauce

by Strawberries on the balcony

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The Boston Lobster bought from the Internet is a cooked semi-finished product. It is especially convenient to make it into the taste you want when you eat it. The bottom dish is fresh and refreshing with zucchini. "


Lobster with Oyster Sauce

1. Steam the lobster in a steamer for 5 minutes. This is half-cooked and saves the heat. Disconnect from the head, cut the abdomen from the back, and make the fracture neat. The shrimp meat is taken out and chopped,

Lobster with Oyster Sauce recipe

2. Wash and shred the zucchini, not the flesh. Spread on a plate, arrange the lobster, oyster sauce, light soy sauce, sugar in the ratio of 2:1:0.5, add 2 times the water and mix thoroughly. Add garlic in a hot pan with cold oil, fry until golden brown, reduce the juice, and boil for a few seconds. Turn off the heat, add sesame oil and coriander. Drizzle in the dish.

Lobster with Oyster Sauce recipe

3. With meat and vegetables, the nutritious and delicious fast food is ready.

Lobster with Oyster Sauce recipe


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