Longan Porridge with Mixed Grains

Longan Porridge with Mixed Grains

by Autumn to Maple Leaf Red

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In autumn and winter, the climate is dry and it is easy to damage the lungs. Therefore, you should eat more foods that moisturize the lungs. You may wish to cook these foods into porridge. It is warm and moisturizing. It has a good effect of nourishing lungs and moisturizing dryness. Patients take it.
Longan meat is warm in nature, sweet in taste, invigorating the heart and spleen, replenishing qi and blood, and has a good nourishing and replenishing effect.
Cereals are rich in nutrients, rich in protein, fat, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin B family and starch and other ingredients. They are suitable for warming and strengthening foods, and have the effect of nourishing the middle and nourishing qi and warming the spleen and stomach.


Longan Porridge with Mixed Grains

1. Prepare the required ingredients

Longan Porridge with Mixed Grains recipe

2. Put the ingredients in the container and rinse them with clean water.

Longan Porridge with Mixed Grains recipe

3. Put the ingredients in the inner pot of the electric pressure cooker

Longan Porridge with Mixed Grains recipe

4. Add appropriate amount of water

Longan Porridge with Mixed Grains recipe

5. Turn on the electric pressure cooker reservation porridge function, the next step is to wait;

Longan Porridge with Mixed Grains recipe


The choice of ingredients can be adjusted according to personal taste.
The amount of water is also controlled by the thick and thin preference.
Using an electric pressure cooker can make the porridge thicker and taste better.


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