Love Bean Pastry

Love Bean Pastry

by The kitchen of emblica honey

4.7 (1)







There are some flying cake crusts at home, I can’t help but want to make some small snacks, which are quick and delicious. There is a heart-shaped mold at home, and I just saw a love cookie at the time, so I also made this love red bean cake. Be pretty, give it to your family and friends, it's sweet and fragrant. There are also healthy and delicious red bean paste.
Traditional Chinese medicine believes that red beans smell sweet, sour, calm and non-toxic, and have the effect of removing dampness and replenishing the spleen. It is more suitable for people with weak spleen and stomach. It is often used in diet therapy for hypertension, atherosclerosis, and various causes. Edema, heat dissipation, detoxification, stomach invigoration and many other uses. "


Love Bean Pastry

1. Ingredients.

Love Bean Pastry recipe

2. Rub red beans into balls of equal size.

Love Bean Pastry recipe

3. Sprinkle some low flour on the chopping board, roll out the crust and fold it into a rectangle, which is wider than the mold.

Love Bean Pastry recipe

4. Put red bean paste on the fly cake crust, and then cover with another fly cake crust.

Love Bean Pastry recipe

5. Use a mold to print out, one for each piece of red bean paste filling.

Love Bean Pastry recipe

6. When you are done, press the edge with a fork.

Love Bean Pastry recipe

7. Shabu a thin layer of oil on the baking sheet and put it on. Rinse another layer of egg yolk liquid.

Love Bean Pastry recipe

8. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes.

Love Bean Pastry recipe


1. The kneaded bean paste should not be too large.
2. The edge of the fork must be firm, or it will open when it is not roasted.
3. The temperature and time should be based on your own oven.


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