Maple Syrup Chiffon Cake

Maple Syrup Chiffon Cake

by Meiyin.H

4.8 (1)







The taste of maple syrup is sweet, but not very greasy. I fell in love with it as soon as I smell it. "


Maple Syrup Chiffon Cake

1. Separate the egg yolk from the egg whites, add sugar, 10 grams of maple syrup, and olive oil to the egg yolk and mix well.

Maple Syrup Chiffon Cake recipe

2. Sift in low-gluten flour and mix well.

Maple Syrup Chiffon Cake recipe

3. Add milk and mix well.

Maple Syrup Chiffon Cake recipe

4. Beat the egg whites until thick.

Maple Syrup Chiffon Cake recipe

5. Add 30 grams of maple syrup and add sugar in two portions.

Maple Syrup Chiffon Cake recipe

6. Beat until the egg whites are lifted into a small hook.

Maple Syrup Chiffon Cake recipe

7. The egg whites are added to the egg yolk in three times.

Maple Syrup Chiffon Cake recipe

8. Stir evenly with the above-low mixing method/cut mixing method.

Maple Syrup Chiffon Cake recipe

9. Pour the cake batter into the mold and shake it twice.

Maple Syrup Chiffon Cake recipe

10. Bake for 50-55 minutes in an oven that has been preheated at 160 degrees.

Maple Syrup Chiffon Cake recipe

11. Immediately after it is out of the oven, buckle until it is completely cool, and then it can be demoulded and eaten.

Maple Syrup Chiffon Cake recipe


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