Medium Type Yellow Peach Bread

Medium Type Yellow Peach Bread

by Food·Color

4.9 (1)







After nibbling on yellow peaches for a few days, I suddenly remembered that yellow peaches can actually be used for many things. Such as bread. Although it seems that many pastries about yellow peaches are made with canned yellow peaches, it is okay to try fresh yellow peaches.
Immediately noticed this medium-grown bread with yellow peaches braided into a braid. I have never tried this look. With fresh yellow peaches, the biggest worry is that there is too much water, and during the waiting process, the shaved yellow peaches will change color. In order to reduce the waiting time for the yellow peaches, when it is about to be used, the yellow peaches are processed, half diced and half sliced. The yellow peach slices are too thick and will stick there stiffly and become an obstacle to weaving dough. Soon I found the right thickness, and the initial clumsiness gradually became handy. The miscalculation was soon discovered after the preparation was completed. It is really not that easy to move the long strip of dough filled with yellow peaches to the baking tray. All kinds of hard work have finally come into play. The consequences of this tossing are revealed after baking-the toasted bread becomes curved from the expected straight line, and the ending joint is also stretched out in the expansion. It seems that it should be braided directly in the bakeware.
The back wall of the oven was obviously hotter, and the front side looked the right color, but after taking it out, the color on the other side was 10% darker. But the taste is very good.


Medium Type Yellow Peach Bread

1. Middle-type dough: 100 grams of high-gluten flour, 1 gram of yeast, 12 grams of egg liquid, 52 grams of milk

Medium Type Yellow Peach Bread recipe

2. Pour the medium dough ingredients into a large bowl,

Medium Type Yellow Peach Bread recipe

3. Pour the medium dough ingredients into a large bowl, stir into a uniform dough, put it in the refrigerator to ferment for more than 13 hours.

Medium Type Yellow Peach Bread recipe

4. The dough has grown to double.

Medium Type Yellow Peach Bread recipe

5. Main dough: 25 grams of low-gluten flour, 1 gram of salt, 25 grams of sugar, 17 grams of milk, 12 grams of butter Ingredients: 1 yellow peach, appropriate amount of raisins, appropriate amount of ground peanuts.

Medium Type Yellow Peach Bread recipe

6. Pour the medium type dough material into the large and cut the medium type dough into small pieces, mix with the main dough material except the butter, and knead evenly. bowl,

Medium Type Yellow Peach Bread recipe

7. Put it in the bread machine, add butter, start the dough mixing program,

Medium Type Yellow Peach Bread recipe

8. Stir until the film can be pulled out.

Medium Type Yellow Peach Bread recipe

9. Put in a large bowl and ferment at room temperature.

Medium Type Yellow Peach Bread recipe

10. The dough has grown to double.

Medium Type Yellow Peach Bread recipe

11. Exhaust, round, and relax for 15-20 minutes.

Medium Type Yellow Peach Bread recipe

12. Peel the yellow peaches, cut half into cubes and half into strips. spare.

Medium Type Yellow Peach Bread recipe

13. Roll the dough into a rectangle. Cut the left and right thirds into strips.

Medium Type Yellow Peach Bread recipe

14. Place the diced yellow peaches in the center and sprinkle with raisins.

Medium Type Yellow Peach Bread recipe

15. From top to bottom, alternately press each other from left to right, and press the yellow peach strips in each gap.

Medium Type Yellow Peach Bread recipe

16. Cross all over, squeeze your mouth tightly. Transfer to the baking tray for the final fermentation.

Medium Type Yellow Peach Bread recipe

17. The dough has grown to double, brush the surface with egg wash, sprinkle with raisins and peanuts.

Medium Type Yellow Peach Bread recipe

18. Put it in the oven, on the middle level, and fire up and down at 180 degrees, and bake for about 20 minutes.

Medium Type Yellow Peach Bread recipe

19. The surface is golden and baked.

Medium Type Yellow Peach Bread recipe


The shaping must be carried out in the baking tray, otherwise it will be easily deformed during the movement.
Dried fruits can be replaced at will according to your own convenience.
The baking time and firepower need to be adjusted according to the actual situation.


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