Microwave Version Crispy Peanuts

Microwave Version Crispy Peanuts

by 1 coarse tea and light rice 1

4.6 (1)







This kind of crispy peanuts is something I often make. It is very easy to make in a microwave oven, and it tastes very crispy, and it feels unstoppable.


Microwave Version Crispy Peanuts

1. After washing the peanuts several times, soak them in water for 3 to 5 minutes

Microwave Version Crispy Peanuts recipe

2. Pour out the water after soaking, add 2g of salt and mix well

Microwave Version Crispy Peanuts recipe

3. Tiled in the dish

Microwave Version Crispy Peanuts recipe

4. Put in the microwave

Microwave Version Crispy Peanuts recipe

5. Heat on high heat for 2 minutes

Microwave Version Crispy Peanuts recipe

6. After taking it out, stir and spread it out, then put it in the microwave and heat for 1 minute on medium-high heat. If it is not too cooked, take it out and mix well and heat it for about 40 seconds. After cooling, it will be very crispy.

Microwave Version Crispy Peanuts recipe


1. It is best to spread peanuts flat, not overlapping, otherwise it will be unevenly heated
2. The heating time depends on the size of peanuts


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