Milky Corn Juice

Milky Corn Juice

by Bean Emperor Cook Man

4.6 (1)







Corn's healthy nutrition contains a lot of substances needed by the human body. And it is one of the very good foods that can regulate the intestines and stomach. Today I will introduce a simple method suitable for breakfast"


Milky Corn Juice

1. Corn one steamed

Milky Corn Juice recipe

2. Take the corn kernels and use pure milk

Milky Corn Juice recipe

3. Put milk and cold water into the food processor, or mineral water. Add sugar to taste [use less milk so as not to cover up the taste of corn]

Milky Corn Juice recipe

4. Directly squeezed into juice, no need to cook

Milky Corn Juice recipe

5. If it is a child under the age of 5, it is best to filter it, if it is an adult, it is not necessary. The fine corn residue is also very nutritious without wasting

Milky Corn Juice recipe

6. Fragrant healthy

Milky Corn Juice recipe


Simple healthy breakfast


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