Fragrant Corn Juice

Fragrant Corn Juice

by harriet1003

4.9 (1)







There are many ways to make corn, and most of them like to eat it steamed. Corn juice made with zero added in a home soymilk machine is also a good drink. It is a good choice with breakfast or afternoon tea. "


Fragrant Corn Juice

1. Wash fresh yellow corn and set aside.

Fragrant Corn Juice recipe

2. Cut the corn kernels with a knife.

Fragrant Corn Juice recipe

3. Pour the cut corn kernels into the soymilk machine.

Fragrant Corn Juice recipe

4. Pour in water, do not exceed the highest line.

Fragrant Corn Juice recipe

5. Cover the machine head, turn on the power, and select the function of fast soy milk.

Fragrant Corn Juice recipe

6. After the work is over, unplug the power, pour out the corn juice and filter it.

Fragrant Corn Juice recipe

7. Add some sugar, mix thoroughly, and serve deliciously.

Fragrant Corn Juice recipe


1. The amount of various ingredients is only approximate. I only used one and a half corn and made two large cups.
2. Don't add sugar if you don't like sweet ones.


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