Mint Barley and Mung Bean Soup

Mint Barley and Mung Bean Soup

by Mother Maizi

4.6 (1)




1h 30m



We have entered summer here, and the highest temperature was over 30 degrees yesterday! So I thought of making some mung bean soup, and the rainy season is coming soon. We must dehumidify in humid weather, so I added barley to cook the soup!


Mint Barley and Mung Bean Soup

1. Barley soaked in advance

Mint Barley and Mung Bean Soup recipe

2. Put the barley and boil for 20 minutes

Mint Barley and Mung Bean Soup recipe

3. Add the frozen mung beans and cook together

Mint Barley and Mung Bean Soup recipe

4. Add rock sugar after boiling

Mint Barley and Mung Bean Soup recipe

5. Turn off the heat when the mung beans bloom

Mint Barley and Mung Bean Soup recipe

6. Prepare mint water: wash fresh mint leaves

Mint Barley and Mung Bean Soup recipe

7. Put it in a small pot and add water to boil and turn to low heat until the water volume is half of the original

Mint Barley and Mung Bean Soup recipe

8. Strain out the mint leaves

Mint Barley and Mung Bean Soup recipe

9. I have too few mint leaves so I added a few drops of mint flavor

Mint Barley and Mung Bean Soup recipe

10. Let the mint water cool and put it in the refrigerator to make mint ice water

Mint Barley and Mung Bean Soup recipe

11. Take a small bowl, scoop an appropriate amount of mung bean and barley and add mint ice water to it

Mint Barley and Mung Bean Soup recipe


My mint leaves are too little and the taste is not strong, so I added a few drops of mint flavor


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