Mustard and Pork Puquat Soup

Mustard and Pork Puquat Soup

by Flower fish

4.7 (1)







This is a very simple soup. Pugua has the effect of clearing heat and moisturizing the lungs, appetizing and strengthening the spleen. . .


Mustard and Pork Puquat Soup

1. Ingredients: Pugua (cleaned, peeled and shredded), shredded mustard, shredded cooked pork

Mustard and Pork Puquat Soup recipe

2. Heat 1 tablespoon of oil in a saucepan, add cooked shredded pork and mustard, stir fry.

Mustard and Pork Puquat Soup recipe

3. Next, combine the cut pomegranates, add appropriate amount of water and boil until cooked.

Mustard and Pork Puquat Soup recipe

4. Then, add 0.5 tablespoon of salt.

Mustard and Pork Puquat Soup recipe

5. Add a little MSG

Mustard and Pork Puquat Soup recipe

6. Stir the seasoning well and serve.

Mustard and Pork Puquat Soup recipe


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