Noodles with Pumpkin and Egg Sauce

Noodles with Pumpkin and Egg Sauce

by Happy and happy

4.8 (1)







It's already hot in July, everyone in the hot weather has a bad appetite, and they don't want to eat anything. Many people want to eat something cold, but if it is too cold and hurts the body, it is always necessary to eat some nutritious meals. Mixed noodles is undoubtedly a good choice. After the noodles are cooked, use cold boiled water to cool down the temperature, and then add nutritious stir-fries, and finally a spoonful of appetizing small sauce, such a plate of mixed noodles , I guess no one can refuse it!


Noodles with Pumpkin and Egg Sauce

1. Prepare the main raw materials;

Noodles with Pumpkin and Egg Sauce recipe

2. Cut the tender squash into filaments;

Noodles with Pumpkin and Egg Sauce recipe

3. Put the eggs in a bowl and beat them into egg liquid;

Noodles with Pumpkin and Egg Sauce recipe

4. Heat up the wok, add a little cooking oil, pour in the egg mixture, and fry into egg pieces;

Noodles with Pumpkin and Egg Sauce recipe

5. After the eggs are fried and shaped, they can be placed in a bowl for later use;

Noodles with Pumpkin and Egg Sauce recipe

6. Put some oil in the wok, chop the garlic and fry until fragrant;

Noodles with Pumpkin and Egg Sauce recipe

7. Put the pumpkin shreds in and fry until softened;

Noodles with Pumpkin and Egg Sauce recipe

8. Pumpkin shreds have a large water content, and water will come out when they are fried, and they will soon soften. Put in the eggs that have been fried before, add appropriate amount of salt, and stir-fry evenly;

Noodles with Pumpkin and Egg Sauce recipe

9. A beautiful plate of scrambled eggs with shredded pumpkin is ready. Isn't it pretty?

Noodles with Pumpkin and Egg Sauce recipe

10. In this way, a dish of home-cooked stir-fry is completed. It is very good with rice and steamed buns. The taste is light, and both adults and children love it. However, I would like to recommend a way to eat it today, which is my personal favorite noodles. Just add some condiments, which is the mushroom sauce, cook a little noodles, and come with a large spoonful of mushroom sauce. The one I had is not spicy. If you like spicy, you can add it with spicy flavor. It is very delicious with the pumpkin scrambled eggs just fried!

Noodles with Pumpkin and Egg Sauce recipe

11. Just mix it like this, is it very appetizing? The weather is hot, and many people will have a bad appetite. Let's try this noodles. Make sure to eat one plate and want the second one! The eggs are soft and tender, the pumpkin is fragrant, and the appetizing mushroom sauce is not too good. For the noodles, I use the wet noodles I bought. It would be even better if I made the noodles by myself, but the weather is too hot and the kitchen is even hotter, so buy some noodles to save trouble! Remember to boil the cooked noodles with cold white, so that the noodles do not stick!

Noodles with Pumpkin and Egg Sauce recipe


Remember to boil the cooked noodles with cold white, so that the noodles do not stick!


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