Official Grilled Fish

Official Grilled Fish

by Pomegranate tree 2008

4.7 (1)







Let’s make this local famous Tianjin dish-Guan Shao Muyu. This dish is made by oiling the eyefish and then returning it to the pot to increase its flavor. It is delicious and delicious, plus winter mushrooms, winter bamboo shoots and fungus. The side dishes not only tasted the freshness of the fish, but also the green fragrance of the greens. It is simply delicious. Come and learn. "

Official Grilled Fish

1. First use kitchen paper to absorb the excess water on the surface, then remove the thorns to save the meat, cut into long strips, add ginger juice, and marinate in Shaoxing Huadiao wine for 10 minutes to remove the fishy smell, and second to make the fish strips Add more flavor.

Official Grilled Fish recipe

2. Wash winter bamboo shoots, mushrooms, and cucumbers and cut them into long strips. Soak the fungus in warm water in advance.

Official Grilled Fish recipe

3. Beat the eggs into the firm, add starch and mix well.

Official Grilled Fish recipe

4. Then add salt and a lot of peanut oil to make a thicker batter. Adding Tori peanut oil to the batter can blend the silkiness, which is a key step to increase the taste.

Official Grilled Fish recipe

5. Shred green onion, shred ginger, and slice garlic for later use.

Official Grilled Fish recipe

6. Put an appropriate amount of Duoli peanut oil in the pot and heat it to 60% of the oil temperature.

Official Grilled Fish recipe

7. Put the fish sticks in a frying pan and fry them until golden brown to remove the oil control.

Official Grilled Fish recipe

8. Then put the cucumber strips, mushroom strips, and winter bamboo shoots together in a frying pan and fry for a while to take out to control the oil.

Official Grilled Fish recipe

9. Leave a little oil in the original pot, add shredded green onion, shredded ginger, and garlic slices until fragrant.

Official Grilled Fish recipe

10. Add ginger juice, Shaoxing Huadiao wine, rice vinegar, meat broth, salt, sugar and bring to a boil, then simmer for about 3 minutes.

Official Grilled Fish recipe

11. Pour in fish sticks, mushrooms, winter bamboo shoots, cucumbers, and fungus and stir fry evenly.

Official Grilled Fish recipe

12. Pour in the wet starch to thicken, and finally pour the pepper oil out of the pot and serve it on the table.

Official Grilled Fish recipe


1. Don't cut the fish sticks too thin, personally feel that it is about the same thickness as a little finger.
2. Oiling the ingredients and vegetables together can make the vegetables firmer and taste better.


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