Okra Dipped in Sesame Sauce

Okra Dipped in Sesame Sauce

by Zhenzhen Baby

4.8 (1)








Okra Dipped in Sesame Sauce

1. Put the sesame sauce in the garlic paste and mix well

Okra Dipped in Sesame Sauce recipe

2. Chopped green onion and coriander and set aside

Okra Dipped in Sesame Sauce recipe

3. When the water boils, turn off the heat and fish out with a strainer

Okra Dipped in Sesame Sauce recipe

4. Put it in cold water and rinse and drain the water for later use

Okra Dipped in Sesame Sauce recipe

5. Remove the root of the okra and cut diagonally at one-third of the okra

Okra Dipped in Sesame Sauce recipe

6. Chopped green onion and coriander and set aside

Okra Dipped in Sesame Sauce recipe

7. Turn the garlic into a mashed garlic

Okra Dipped in Sesame Sauce recipe

8. Put the sesame sauce in the garlic paste and mix well

Okra Dipped in Sesame Sauce recipe

9. Put other seasonings into the bowl and the dipping sauce is ready

Okra Dipped in Sesame Sauce recipe

10. Place the cut okra on the plate

Okra Dipped in Sesame Sauce recipe


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