

by Purple rhyme

4.6 (1)







At first glance, the made omelet looks like that kind of crisp egg omelet. This omelet is simple and easy to make. It can be used as a breakfast or a side dish as a staple food. It is both nutritious and delicious.



1. Prepare flour and eggs.

Omelet recipe

2. Beat the eggs into the flour.

Omelet recipe

3. Add an appropriate amount of water.

Omelet recipe

4. After mixing well, add salt.

Omelet recipe

5. Stir until the flour is completely melted and there are no particles.

Omelet recipe

6. Just make the batter look like yogurt, then let it rest for 5 minutes, and then mix well.

Omelet recipe

7. Brush a layer of oil on the nonstick pan and heat it up.

Omelet recipe

8. Spoon 1 scoop of batter into the pot.

Omelet recipe

9. Then get up and tilt the pot and turn it so that the batter flows in the pot and spreads over the bottom of the pot.

Omelet recipe

10. Then turn to low heat, turn over after the batter is completely solidified, and fry until small brown spots appear on the surface.

Omelet recipe


When mixing the batter, add a small amount of water several times, not all at once, so as to avoid the batter is too thin.


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