Osmanthus Yellow Rice Lotus Root

Osmanthus Yellow Rice Lotus Root

by Yushi Beibei

4.7 (1)







Yellow rice is originally produced in northern China and is one of the important food crops in the ancient Yellow River basin. It is slightly larger than millet, has a pale yellow color, and is sticky after being cooked. Yellow rice and millet are both from the north, but in the eyes of northerners, yellow rice is higher than millet. It can be used for cooking porridge, making cakes, making rice and making wine. People use it as a rice cooker and make cakes for guests. The comprehensive nutritional value of yellow rice is higher than that of wheat and rice, and it has obvious health benefits to the human body, which is unmatched by wheat and rice. Yellow rice is rich in protein, carbohydrates, B vitamins, vitamin E, zinc, copper, manganese and other nutrients. It has the effects of yin, lung and large intestine.

The lotus root is native to India and has a long history of cultivation in China, with written records in the Spring and Autumn Period. There are two varieties of lotus root, namely seven-hole lotus root and nine-hole lotus root. The roots are thick and tender, the flesh is tender, crispy and sweet, and white and flawless. The lotus root contains starch, protein, asparagine, vitamin C and oxidase components. It also has a high sugar content. Eating fresh lotus root can clear away heat and relieve troubles, quench thirst and relieve vomiting; if the fresh lotus root is pressed to extract juice, its effect is even greater. Boiled lotus root is sweet and warm in nature, can invigorate the spleen and appetite, nourish blood and nourish the heart, so it mainly nourishes the five internal organs, has the effects of eliminating food, quenching thirst and promoting body fluid. Chinese cuisine has a long history. The combination of lotus root and yellow rice is Yushi's exclusive private dish, which is healthy and nutritious. I hope everyone likes it. "


Osmanthus Yellow Rice Lotus Root

1. Ingredients: 2 sections of lotus root, 300 grams of yellow rice, 50 grams of white (rock) sugar, 60 grams of brown sugar, 1 cup of dates, appropriate amount of sweet-scented osmanthus sauce.

Osmanthus Yellow Rice Lotus Root recipe

2. Tools: 1 small funnel, 1 spoon, 1 chopstick, 1 bamboo stick, 1 toothpick, and 1 cup. These tools can greatly speed up the efficiency of rice filling.

Osmanthus Yellow Rice Lotus Root recipe

3. Soak the yellow rice 3 hours in advance, and drain the water after the soaked yellow rice

Osmanthus Yellow Rice Lotus Root recipe

4. Wash the lotus root, scrape off the thin skin, and cut the thickest section at one end.

Osmanthus Yellow Rice Lotus Root recipe

5. Put the lotus root in a tall cup (I found a plastic cup that I gave when I bought a drink, the lotus root is most suitable for putting it in).

Osmanthus Yellow Rice Lotus Root recipe

6. Place a spoonful of rice on the small hole of the funnel and align it with the hole of the lotus root. Turn it into the funnel and gently poke it with chopsticks. The rice is poured in easily.

Osmanthus Yellow Rice Lotus Root recipe

7. After filling one lotus root hole, change to another hole. Even the small holes in the middle and the edge can be easily filled with rice by borrowing bamboo sticks.

Osmanthus Yellow Rice Lotus Root recipe

8. The lotus root filled with rice and the cup are shaken a few times to see that the hole is missing rice and then fill it up. Cover another small section of lotus root that has been cut off, and fix it with a toothpick.

Osmanthus Yellow Rice Lotus Root recipe

9. Put lotus root, jujube, brown sugar, white sugar into the pot, add water that has not been used for lotus root, and cover

Osmanthus Yellow Rice Lotus Root recipe

10. Put lotus root, jujube, brown sugar, white sugar into the pot, add the lotus root water and cover it.

Osmanthus Yellow Rice Lotus Root recipe

11. Simmer on low heat for 40 minutes-1, then soak for a while.

Osmanthus Yellow Rice Lotus Root recipe

12. Prepared yellow rice lotus root.

Osmanthus Yellow Rice Lotus Root recipe

13. After it's cool, slice it to see that there is rice in all the holes.

Osmanthus Yellow Rice Lotus Root recipe

14. Placed on the plate, golden yellow rice is embedded in the lotus root, decorated with a slice of carmine radish in the middle, topped with an appropriate amount of sweet-scented osmanthus sauce, innovative dishes with complete color, fragrance, taste and shape. (Rouge radish" please refer to the recipe on August 2, 2012 http://home.meishichina.com/recipe-80530.html.)

Osmanthus Yellow Rice Lotus Root recipe


The dish core is decorated with Yushi's private dish "Rouge Carrot". See the recipe on August 2, 2012 for details.


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