Pan-fried Saury

Pan-fried Saury

by Winter Solstice 2467

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The saury is rich in protein and fat. It tastes delicious, so it can be steamed, boiled, fried or grilled.


Pan-fried Saury

1. Saury, scrape off the scales, remove the internal organs, and clean

Pan-fried Saury recipe

2. Cut off the head and tail, and cut into two pieces in the middle

Pan-fried Saury recipe

3. Add cooking wine, salt, pepper, ginger juice and marinate for 30 minutes

Pan-fried Saury recipe

4. Add oil to the pot and heat up the fire, add saury to medium and small fire to fry golden

Pan-fried Saury recipe

5. Turn it over and fry the other side until golden

Pan-fried Saury recipe

6. Serve it and put it on the plate, pour it with lemon salad juice

Pan-fried Saury recipe


It is best to use a non-stick pan for frying, and use less oil, as the saury will produce oil during frying.


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