Papaya Milk

Papaya Milk

by sourcehe

4.7 (1)







Papaya contains carotene and rich vitamin C. It has anti-aging beauty, calming liver and stomach, and soothing muscles and muscles. They have strong antioxidant capacity, help the body repair tissues, eliminate toxic substances, and enhance human immunity. Papaya milk adds charm and vitality to breakfast in winter, nourish breakfast milk, no longer drink hot milk alone.


Papaya Milk

1. Peel the papaya, remove the seeds, wash, and cut into pieces

Papaya Milk recipe

2. 100 grams of papaya is broken with a food processor, and the other 100 grams are left in lumps to increase the taste

Papaya Milk recipe

3. Put 100ml of mineral water, 100g of papaya juice, 100g of papaya cubes, 10g of rock sugar, 3g of red date flakes into the milk pot

Papaya Milk recipe

4. Cover the lid, boil on low heat and cook for 1-2 minutes to keep the papaya pieces from rotten.

Papaya Milk recipe

5. Add 200ml of milk, mix well, and cook until the temperature is about 80 degrees. PS: Do not boil, boil to lose the nutrients of milk

Papaya Milk recipe


1. Papaya milk should not be kept for too long, it will become bitter after more than 30 minutes;
2. If you don’t like papaya chunks, you can make them all into papaya juice


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