Pasta with Japanese Style Corn and Shrimp

Pasta with Japanese Style Corn and Shrimp

by Blue Crystal Ling

4.9 (1)







Pasta is naturally invented by the Italians.
The red sauce, white sauce, and green sauce have a strong flavor.
When it comes to Japan, where the taste is light, there will naturally be a lot of light cooking.
In Italian restaurants in Japan, chefs collectively refer to light-flavored pasta-Japanese style pasta.

Today, I would like to share with you this-Japanese Style Corn Shrimp Pasta. "


Pasta with Japanese Style Corn and Shrimp

1. Prepare the ingredients.
Take out the frozen corn 15 minutes in advance and thaw it naturally; wash the bean sprouts; remove the shells of the fresh shrimps, leave the tails, open the back to remove the shrimp threads, and set aside.

Pasta with Japanese Style Corn and Shrimp recipe

2. Boil a pot of boiling water, add a little salt, and cook the noodles.

Pasta with Japanese Style Corn and Shrimp recipe

3. After the noodles are cooked, add the shrimps and cook for 1 minute. Remove them separately and set aside.

Pasta with Japanese Style Corn and Shrimp recipe

4. In a separate pot, add olive oil and corn, stir-fry slightly, and add a spoonful of noodle soup.

Pasta with Japanese Style Corn and Shrimp recipe

5. Add bean sprouts, season with salt, turn off the heat, and use the remaining temperature in the pot to heat for a while.

Pasta with Japanese Style Corn and Shrimp recipe

6. Stir in a spoonful of olive oil in the cooked pasta.

Pasta with Japanese Style Corn and Shrimp recipe

7. Drizzle with bean sprouts and corn, and put the cooked shrimp on top.

Pasta with Japanese Style Corn and Shrimp recipe


1. The cooking time of pasta is generally stated on the packaging bag. If you want to fry, just cook it according to the instructions; if it is mixed later like me, it will take 1.5 longer than the time on the packaging bag. Minutes taste better.

2. When the shrimp is shelled, you can leave the tail or not. I personally think it looks better if it is left, but it is a bit troublesome to eat.

3. The bean sprouts should be tender, and the heating time should be short, otherwise it will affect the color and taste.


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