Pasta with White Wine and Bacon

Pasta with White Wine and Bacon

by Tutu peaceful thinking

4.9 (1)







I personally think that the braised pasta is more delicious and more of a Chinese taste


Pasta with White Wine and Bacon

1. Prepare all materials

Pasta with White Wine and Bacon recipe

2. Finely chop garlic and onion, dice bacon and set aside

Pasta with White Wine and Bacon recipe

3. Bring water to a boil, add appropriate amount of salt and a few drops of olive oil, add pasta, cook on medium heat for 3 minutes, then turn to medium and low heat and cook for 5 minutes, remove and pass cold water

Pasta with White Wine and Bacon recipe

4. In another pot, pour in about 3 tablespoons of olive oil, add garlic and chopped onions, and fry until the aroma

Pasta with White Wine and Bacon recipe

5. Add a small handful of chopped basil and black pepper, stir fry for a while

Pasta with White Wine and Bacon recipe

6. Add the diced bacon and stir fry until the bacon becomes fried

Pasta with White Wine and Bacon recipe

7. Add pasta and stir fry a few times, add tomato sauce and stir-fry evenly

Pasta with White Wine and Bacon recipe

8. Add the white wine, mix well, reduce the heat and let it simmer for 3 minutes

Pasta with White Wine and Bacon recipe

9. Add a little seafood and soy sauce and stir fry evenly, then turn off the heat and serve

Pasta with White Wine and Bacon recipe

10. Sprinkle with a little chopped chives, then grate parmesan cheese

Pasta with White Wine and Bacon recipe

11. Decorate the top with mint leaves to complete

Pasta with White Wine and Bacon recipe


1. Because it needs to be braised with white wine, do not cook the noodles for too long, 8 minutes is enough
2. Black pepper, basil and ketchup are measured according to personal taste. I like the very strong taste of black pepper and basil, so I put a lot of them


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