Peanut Yam Soy Milk

Peanut Yam Soy Milk

by Food·Color

4.7 (1)







Peanuts, yam and soybeans, 10 hours after appointment.
I suddenly realized that while the machine brings a lot of convenience, it also inevitably brings a lot of noise. The tofu machine is much stronger than the original soymilk machine, and the movement is naturally not small. I have never dared to start it only when people smoke, otherwise, it will only appear more abrupt in the quiet time and space.
In the early morning, human voices gradually became noisy, and the tofu machine also joined the sound maker. Although I turned a corner and separated the room, the rumbling sound remained undiminished, and went straight into the originally dull and slightly painful brain, whirled and stirred fiercely, until the brain flowers became a pot of paste. . . .
The tofu machine will naturally ignore your paste, but just make a pot of thick paste according to your instructions. . .
Drink it, peanuts benefit your brain. . .


Peanut Yam Soy Milk

1. Ingredients: 60 grams of soybeans, 35 grams of peanuts, 15 grams of mountain pills, 1500 ml of water

Peanut Yam Soy Milk recipe

2. Soybean washing and water control

Peanut Yam Soy Milk recipe

3. Put the filter cloth on the filter frame and put it into the tofu machine beating bucket.

Peanut Yam Soy Milk recipe

4. Pour all the ingredients,

Peanut Yam Soy Milk recipe

5. Add water.

Peanut Yam Soy Milk recipe

6. Close the lid.

Peanut Yam Soy Milk recipe

7. Put it into the base, and the card is good.

Peanut Yam Soy Milk recipe

8. Power on, set the time to 10 hours, press start.

Peanut Yam Soy Milk recipe

9. When the time is up, the tofu machine automatically starts beating,

Peanut Yam Soy Milk recipe

10. When the beating is over, remove the beating bucket.

Peanut Yam Soy Milk recipe

11. Uncover,

Peanut Yam Soy Milk recipe

12. Remove the filter frame and mix the slurry,

Peanut Yam Soy Milk recipe

13. Pour out and drink

Peanut Yam Soy Milk recipe


Peanuts and yams are relatively clean and can be washed away.
The water consumption can be adjusted according to your preference.
When drinking, you can add sugar to taste according to your own taste.


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