Pistachio Matcha Melaleuca

Pistachio Matcha Melaleuca

by petrus

4.7 (1)




1h 30m



The skin with a slight matcha aroma, the smooth and delicate pistachio filling, the refreshing feeling will definitely refresh your understanding of the traditional Melaleuca. Layers of thin skin, crisp pistachios, and sweet but not greasy matcha cream will give you a new impact on the taste!
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Pistachio Matcha Melaleuca

1. Melaleuca leather (25-32 skins)

Original cake crust (6 inches) 8 inches eggs 2 3 sugar 45g 67g
Butter 15g 22g
Low-gluten flour 80g 120g
Milk 400g 600g
Water 30g
Other flavors of Melaleuca, can add 6g (matcha powder, cocoa powder, coconut powder)

Stuffing whipped cream 700g
Sugar 65g
Pistachio jam 50g

Pistachio Matcha Melaleuca recipe

2. Beat the eggs, add white sugar and continue to beat until melted

Pistachio Matcha Melaleuca recipe

3. Cocoa powder/Matcha powder, heat water to melt (Matcha powder: 80℃, Cocoa powder: 100℃)

Pistachio Matcha Melaleuca recipe

4. Add 100g milk to the egg liquid

Pistachio Matcha Melaleuca recipe

5. Sift in low powder and stir well

Pistachio Matcha Melaleuca recipe

6. Add the remaining milk and stir well; filter the batter at least twice

Pistachio Matcha Melaleuca recipe

7. Pour into the matcha liquid and stir well

Pistachio Matcha Melaleuca recipe

8. Filter the batter more than 2 times

Pistachio Matcha Melaleuca recipe

9. Melt the butter with hot water in advance; add the butter and stir well

Pistachio Matcha Melaleuca recipe

10. Preheating electric ceramic stove

Pistachio Matcha Melaleuca recipe

11. Scoop a tablespoon of batter on the preheated pan

Pistachio Matcha Melaleuca recipe

12. Pour out the excess, and there will be a molded skin

Pistachio Matcha Melaleuca recipe

13. Fry until the crust is bubbling

Pistachio Matcha Melaleuca recipe

14. Take out the cake crust by inverted button, press out a 6-inch circle with mousse ring, cover the cake crust with wet gauze to prevent moisture loss and drying

Pistachio Matcha Melaleuca recipe

15. Whip whipped cream (whipped cream + sugar + pistachio jam), whipped up to eight, with small upright corners

Pistachio Matcha Melaleuca recipe

16. Spread a layer of skin and light cream

Pistachio Matcha Melaleuca recipe

17. Repeat the previous step until the skin is laid

Pistachio Matcha Melaleuca recipe

18. Wipe the surface

Pistachio Matcha Melaleuca recipe

19. Put on the lime garnish

Pistachio Matcha Melaleuca recipe


1. The batter must be sieved several times so that there will be no particles in the dough.
2. It is recommended to stir the matcha powder with a tea pot.
3. Stir well before scooping the batter to prevent sedimentation.
4. The electric ceramic stove uses a medium and small fire for frying. The temperature of the stove must be mastered. It should not be too hot or too cold. Too hot will easily batter, and too cold will not hold the crust.
5. Electric ceramic stove and open flame can be used, but induction cooker is not available.


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