Pugua Tonggu Soup

Pugua Tonggu Soup

by Flower fish

4.9 (1)







Some days I didn’t buy a tube bone. This morning I went to the farmers’ market to buy vegetables and bought a tube bone to make soup with puffa melon. . . "


Pugua Tonggu Soup

1. Ingredients: tube bones (washed and blanched), Pugua (washed, peeled and cut into pieces)

Pugua Tonggu Soup recipe

2. Put the blanched bone into the pressure cooker.

Pugua Tonggu Soup recipe

3. Afterwards, add some clean water.

Pugua Tonggu Soup recipe

4. Add the right amount of cooking wine.

Pugua Tonggu Soup recipe

5. Cover the lid and cook for 20 minutes on medium-low heat, then turn off the heat.

Pugua Tonggu Soup recipe

6. Open the lid after simmering until exhausted.

Pugua Tonggu Soup recipe

7. Next, add the cut puffballs and boil until the puffballs are cooked and soft.

Pugua Tonggu Soup recipe

8. Then, add an appropriate amount of salt.

Pugua Tonggu Soup recipe

9. Add the right amount of MSG.

Pugua Tonggu Soup recipe

10. Stir the seasoning well and serve.

Pugua Tonggu Soup recipe


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