Rice Cooker Ribs Braised Rice

Rice Cooker Ribs Braised Rice

by Leaf Agnes

4.8 (1)







Suddenly I want to eat spare ribs. Sweet and sour spare ribs and kelp spare ribs are too troublesome. Open the refrigerator and you can use it for braised rice with ribs. Good news for lazy people.


Rice Cooker Ribs Braised Rice

1. Wash the rice, soak for 30 minutes, and prepare various raw materials.

Rice Cooker Ribs Braised Rice recipe

2. While soaking the rice, cut various carrots, shiitake mushrooms, sweet potatoes, potatoes, and chop scallion, ginger, garlic and chili.

Rice Cooker Ribs Braised Rice recipe

3. Bring to a boil with cold water, add the ribs and blanch it to force the bleeding. Rinse with cold water after removal.

Rice Cooker Ribs Braised Rice recipe

4. Heat oil in a pot, add pepper, garlic, ginger, and chili until fragrant (the lighter taste does not include pepper and chili).

Rice Cooker Ribs Braised Rice recipe

5. Add the ribs and stir fry, then add the appropriate amount of soy sauce, salt, and spicy pot seasoning (I have a heavy taste, only soy sauce and salt are fine, Lao Ganma is also good. Soy sauce is better with soy sauce, but unfortunately you can't buy it abroad).

Rice Cooker Ribs Braised Rice recipe

6. Stir fry for color, then add various diced vegetables and continue to fry.

Rice Cooker Ribs Braised Rice recipe

7. Bring water to a boil.

Rice Cooker Ribs Braised Rice recipe

8. The rice in the rice cooker is in the lower layer (when you cook it safely, the rice will eventually run up with the bubbles and automatically mix), and the ribs and the soup are added to the rice cooker. The soup should be without various ingredients, if not enough, add some water.

Rice Cooker Ribs Braised Rice recipe

9. Press the cooking button and wait for the rice cooker to ding dong, that's it! Sprinkle with chopped green onion, the aroma is overflowing.

Rice Cooker Ribs Braised Rice recipe

10. Just Jiangzi, come and eat! Rice, potatoes, carrots and the like are especially soft and delicious, and the ribs are fragrant and slightly spicy (because of the spicy fragrant pot base). With a bowl of vegetable soup, I can eat three bowls of ribs rice!

Rice Cooker Ribs Braised Rice recipe


1. The rice needs to be soaked for half an hour to make the rice softer.
2. Don't mind too much about the ingredients. Except for green vegetables, you can add anything else. You can stew.
3. I didn't buy the soy sauce, of course the old soy sauce is better colored. Add some tempeh if possible, it will be more delicious.


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