Roasted Pork with Dried Cowpeas

Roasted Pork with Dried Cowpeas

by shallinin

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Roasted pork with dried cowpea is similar to braised pork, but with homemade salty cowpea, on the one hand, it can absorb the fat of the meat, and on the other hand, it can increase the salty aroma of kneading.


Roasted Pork with Dried Cowpeas

1. Soak a dried cowpea in water, one to remove the salty second, to cook faster, then cut into sections, boil the pork belly with water, cut into small pieces, and slice the ginger.

Roasted Pork with Dried Cowpeas recipe

2. Add oil in a hot pan, pour in pepper, ginger, garlic, star anise, spices, etc. until fragrant, and then put out the accessories. Pour the meat in, stir up some oil, and if it feels too much oil, let it out.

Roasted Pork with Dried Cowpeas recipe

3. Then start to color the sugar, put the oil in the pot, don’t heat it up, put the rock sugar, as for putting a lot of it, personally see how to do it, if you like sweetness, put it more, if you don’t like it, put it less, then slowly stir until it gets into the pot Stir slightly to make the meat brown. Continue to stir fry, mainly to get some oil out.

Roasted Pork with Dried Cowpeas recipe

4. At about the same time, throw in some seasonings and stir fry a few times, then add water, cooking wine, and soy sauce.

Roasted Pork with Dried Cowpeas recipe

5. After boiling, turn down the heat and continue to cook for half an hour. When the meat is soft, put the cowpea in.

Roasted Pork with Dried Cowpeas recipe

6. Continue to cook for half an hour, and it will be ready when the juice is almost the same.

Roasted Pork with Dried Cowpeas recipe


1. The amount of sugar depends on personal taste, you can add more if you like sweet.
2. Because dried cowpea is relatively salty, there is no need to add salt at all.
3. If you like soft glutinous rice, you can cook it for a while. You need to add enough water at one time. Don't add it repeatedly.


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