Rose Tea

Rose Tea

by Food·Color

4.9 (1)







The name of the non-closed rose is the same, not the same as the rose tree.
The leaves and branches are tens of thousands of green, one flower and two colors are light deep red.
Merry each swallows its own style, and rain and dew can make a fortune.
Don't have the country's incense to harvest, the poet smoked into the sinking water.
——Southern Song Dynasty. Yang Wanli

Roses are gorgeous and colorful, fragrant and rich, making people fall in love at first sight, not thinking about different things.
Roses can be used as medicine. They are sweet, slightly bitter, and warm in nature. It has the effects of soothing the liver and regulating qi, activating blood and regulating menstruation. It has a good therapeutic effect on symptoms such as abdominal pain, irregular menstruation and so on.
It can promote qi and blood circulation, sooth the liver and relieve depression, and it has a good effect on women's beauty.

The old farmer's French rose from Qingshan is a double red rose with slightly pink color. Open the bag and smell the refreshing fragrance. Grab the rose and flush with the water, and the fragrance of the rose will soon waft out with the steam. After simmering for a while, the tea soup turns pale yellow. Pour it out, take a sip, there is a slight bitterness in the fragrance. After two or three soaks, the color of the rose petals has almost faded, and the tea soup is light in color and gradually tasteless. Pour it out and change another pot? However, it would be a pity to discard the soaked roses. It is said that it can be mashed and used as a mask. What is the function, you know. . . .


Rose Tea

1. Ingredients: 6 grams of dried roses

Rose Tea recipe

2. Put the roses in the teapot, rinse with boiling water, close the lid, and simmer for 10-15 minutes

Rose Tea recipe

3. The soup becomes thicker, pour out and drink

Rose Tea recipe


Rose flower tea has a certain health care and auxiliary treatment effect, and the dosage is generally 6-10 grams.


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