Rose Tea Yogurt

Rose Tea Yogurt

by Q pig baby

4.6 (1)







Traditional Chinese medicine believes that roses are sweet and slightly bitter in nature and warm in nature. The most obvious effects are regulating qi and relieving depression, promoting blood circulation and dispersing stasis, regulating menstruation and relieving pain. Rose tea can reduce irritation, nourish yin and beautify, regulate blood qi, promote blood circulation, nourish beauty, relieve fatigue, heal wounds, and protect liver and gastrointestinal functions. Long-term drinking can also help promote metabolism.
The rose tea is added to make yogurt, which adds the fragrance of roses to the yogurt, which is more suitable for female friends to drink.


Rose Tea Yogurt

1. Brew rose tea with hot water at 80 degrees for about 20 minutes.

Rose Tea Yogurt recipe

2. Pour 200 ml of pure milk into a sterilized glass bottle of yogurt maker, add 1 g (1 pack) of yogurt starter, and mix well.

Rose Tea Yogurt recipe

3. After filtering the rose tea, take 100 grams and pour it into step 2.

Rose Tea Yogurt recipe

4. Then pour in 200 ml of pure milk and mix well.

Rose Tea Yogurt recipe

5. Cover the lid, put it into the yogurt machine, and pour warm water into it, and ferment for 10 hours.

Rose Tea Yogurt recipe

6. After the fermentation is complete, add fine sugar while it is still hot and mix well. Refrigerate and passivate for one day before eating, the taste is better, the yogurt is thicker.

Rose Tea Yogurt recipe


Special contraindications:
1. The rose flower has a strong effect on promoting blood circulation and dispersing stasis. People with excessive menstrual flow should not eat it during menstruation.
2. It is not suitable for people with cold stomach, diarrhea, tiredness, and weak body.


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