Salt and Pepper Peanuts

Salt and Pepper Peanuts

by Mizuki

4.9 (1)







Red peanuts.


Salt and Pepper Peanuts

1. Wash the peanuts and drain the water quickly

Salt and Pepper Peanuts recipe

2. Pour the peanuts into a saucepan and fry for ten minutes.
There is moisture at this time, so there is no need to stir fry constantly, pay attention to the interval

Salt and Pepper Peanuts recipe

3. Pour in sunflower oil, continue to fry for ten minutes, then turn off the heat

Salt and Pepper Peanuts recipe

4. When the peanuts have cooled to about 40 degrees, sprinkle with salt and mix well

Salt and Pepper Peanuts recipe

5. It's very crisp after it cools down completely

Salt and Pepper Peanuts recipe


1. There will be no crispy feeling when eaten when it is not completely cooled;
2. Do not put it in a sealed container if it is not completely cooled;
3. Put in the refrigerator if it cannot be eaten in one go.


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