Scrambled Eggs with White Pickles

Scrambled Eggs with White Pickles

by Jamie 3764023

4.8 (1)







White pickles are made from mustard heads with salt. Mustard heads have the effects of detoxification and swelling, lowering the qi to reduce food, diuresis and dehumidification, and mainly treats breast carbuncle, pediatric head boils, baldness, jaundice, abdominal distension, constipation, Yellow and red urine may be blocked, liver deficiency and dark eyes.


Scrambled Eggs with White Pickles

1. Prepare white pickles

Scrambled Eggs with White Pickles recipe

2. Add water to soak for half a day, change the water in the middle

Scrambled Eggs with White Pickles recipe

3. Shred

Scrambled Eggs with White Pickles recipe

4. When the pot is hot, pour the oil, scallions in the pot, pour the egg mixture and spread it to cook

Scrambled Eggs with White Pickles recipe

5. Sheng out

Scrambled Eggs with White Pickles recipe

6. Add pickles and stir fry, and add boiling water

Scrambled Eggs with White Pickles recipe

7. Stir-fry the eggs when they are cooked, and determine whether to add salt at the end according to the saltiness of the pickles

Scrambled Eggs with White Pickles recipe


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