Sea Coconut Snow Fungus Soup

Sea Coconut Snow Fungus Soup

by True flower

4.7 (1)




1h 30m



As soon as the autumn enters, the climate becomes drier, which is likely to cause a lack of body fluid and damage the yin and lungs. This is what we often call "autumn dryness". In autumn, the climate gradually becomes colder, and the moisture in the air decreases. The moisture in the skin, nasal cavity or oral mucosa will quickly evaporate, and problems such as dry nasal cavity, pain, dry mouth and throat all come out. In addition to replenishing water in time, Cantonese also like to boil all kinds of soups that nourish yin and nourish the lungs, relieve cough and nourish the lungs. Today, I will introduce this sea coconut soup with snow ear ears to everyone. Hai Ye Huang has the effects of moisturizing the lungs and relieving coughs, treating chronic coughs due to lung heat, clearing dryness and heat, refreshing and calming the nerves, and restlessness. Tremella is also a good nourishing medicine, which is characterized by nourishing but not greasy. It has the functions of invigorating the spleen and appetizing, replenishing qi and clearing the intestines, sleeping and stomaching, replenishing brain, nourishing yin, clearing heat, and moisturizing dryness. Heat tonic patients is a good tonic. Tremella is rich in natural gums, plus its yin nourishing effect, long-term use can moisturize the skin, and has the effect of removing chloasma and freckles on the face. Tremella is a diet food containing dietary fiber. Its dietary fiber can help gastrointestinal peristalsis and reduce fat absorption.


Sea Coconut Snow Fungus Soup

1. The king of sea coconut smashed the shells with a hammer, took out the meat, and chopped slightly for later use. If the yellow flesh is picked out, it is bad. Sea coconut king, sweet in taste, warm in nature, has the functions of promoting body fluid and diuresis.

Sea Coconut Snow Fungus Soup recipe

2. Lean meat or pork bones are blanched and sliced for later use

Sea Coconut Snow Fungus Soup recipe

3. Soak the snow fungus first, it will save time if you soak in boiling water

Sea Coconut Snow Fungus Soup recipe

4. The soup mode of the electric stew pot first preheats, the default is 2 hours, press the minus key to reduce the time, each press reduces 10 minutes.

Sea Coconut Snow Fungus Soup recipe

5. Add 1.5 liters of water to another pot, add the blanched lean meat, and turn on the heat

Sea Coconut Snow Fungus Soup recipe

6. Add the chopped sea coconut

Sea Coconut Snow Fungus Soup recipe

7. Wash figs and Ophiopogon japonicus and put in

Sea Coconut Snow Fungus Soup recipe

8. Cut snow fungus into small pieces, put it in a pot, boil the water

Sea Coconut Snow Fungus Soup recipe

9. After the water boils, add two spoons of boiling water

Sea Coconut Snow Fungus Soup recipe

10. Then pour the soup and water, because the electric saucepan is preheated, if you pour the soup in at once, the water will splash out. Cover, press the quick boiling button, it will automatically extinguish after ten minutes, and just boil for 1.5 hours

Sea Coconut Snow Fungus Soup recipe

11. Very fragrant sea coconut flavor.

Sea Coconut Snow Fungus Soup recipe


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