Soothing Liver and Beauty Health Drink-rose Vinegar

Soothing Liver and Beauty Health Drink-rose Vinegar

by Xiaohuan is the best

4.9 (1)







Rose vinegar is an excellent drink throughout the year. It can be drunk cold or hot. The elegant floral scent of roses has a light vinegar taste, which is clear and transparent, which makes people feel refreshed.
Rose is a kind of precious medicinal material. It can be used for beauty and beauty, clearing the meridians and activating collaterals. Regular consumption of vinegar can soften blood vessels. It has significant effects on cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, hypertension, heart disease and gynecology. Rose Flower also has strong qi movement, blood circulation, stasis removal, liver and spleen reconciliation, qi regulation and stomach. . . It is especially effective for treating and preventing female breast hyperplasia. . . "


Soothing Liver and Beauty Health Drink-rose Vinegar

1. Ingredients: rock sugar: rose 1:1. If you like to drink sweeter, you can add rock sugar. I use tower ice. Choosing an airtight container is the key. I use a small airtight pot.

Soothing Liver and Beauty Health Drink-rose Vinegar recipe

2. Clean the roses first to remove the ash on the surface. The roses and rock sugar occupy exactly half of the container. The roses are underneath, and the rock sugar is pressed tightly on top.

Soothing Liver and Beauty Health Drink-rose Vinegar recipe

3. Pour white rice vinegar, completely without rock sugar

Soothing Liver and Beauty Health Drink-rose Vinegar recipe

4. It will change color after a while

Soothing Liver and Beauty Health Drink-rose Vinegar recipe

5. The color darkened after a week, and the rose floated on it due to the sugar syrup.

Soothing Liver and Beauty Health Drink-rose Vinegar recipe

6. You can pour it out and add water according to your taste. The original rose vinegar can be used for vegetable salad or as a seasoning vinegar at home.

Soothing Liver and Beauty Health Drink-rose Vinegar recipe

7. You can heat the water in the cold winter, and drink it after being chilled in the mid-summer. Generally, the ratio of raw vinegar to water is 1:40, so you can drink it directly. Vegetable

Soothing Liver and Beauty Health Drink-rose Vinegar recipe


1. The container must be airtight

2. Personally feel that the taste of soaking with white rice vinegar is much better than that of soaking with vinegar or white vinegar

3. The vinegar should completely cover the rock sugar and reach the top of the container to minimize the air content in the container


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