Soufflé Muffins with Durian Milk White Sauce

Soufflé Muffins with Durian Milk White Sauce

by Low-key blueberries

4.6 (1)







I have been baking for almost a year. Let me talk about my feelings: I am an aunt who is about to retire. I came to the gourmet world to find healthy ingredients. Most of my baking menus use yogurt and pumpkin as raw materials. I advocate the concept of health. , Willing to share healthy recipes with everyone.
There is no baking powder added to this muffin, and very little sugar is added. By whipping the egg whites to increase her bulkiness, I don't like light cream, so the muffin is topped with durian milk white sauce to enhance the flavor of the muffin. "


Soufflé Muffins with Durian Milk White Sauce

1. Prepare the ingredients and sift the muffin powder;

Soufflé Muffins with Durian Milk White Sauce recipe

2. Separate the egg whites and yolks, and put them into clean egg-beating bowls that are free of oil and water;

Soufflé Muffins with Durian Milk White Sauce recipe

3. Pour the milk and yogurt mixture into the egg yolk bowl, stir and mix with a manual whisk;

Soufflé Muffins with Durian Milk White Sauce recipe

4. Pour in the muffin powder and mix it with a rubber spatula;

Soufflé Muffins with Durian Milk White Sauce recipe

5. Whip the egg whites, add a few drops of lemon juice and 10 grams of white sugar in the egg white bowl, beat until you can pull out the sharp corners;

Soufflé Muffins with Durian Milk White Sauce recipe

6. Pour the whipped egg whites into a bowl of egg yolks, and mix them with a rubber spatula;

Soufflé Muffins with Durian Milk White Sauce recipe

7. The batter is thick and delicate, similar to cake batter, and the batter will not defoam quickly when it is in place;

Soufflé Muffins with Durian Milk White Sauce recipe

8. Heat in a non-stick pan over medium heat, take a napkin and rub a drop of olive or corn oil on the bottom of the pan, pour a spoonful of batter from a high place, change to low heat and fry for about 4 minutes, turn it over, place a piece next to the pan Wet a rag to cool the pot;

Soufflé Muffins with Durian Milk White Sauce recipe

9. Fry for 2 and a half minutes after turning over;

Soufflé Muffins with Durian Milk White Sauce recipe

10. The color on the reverse side is also uniform. When frying the next cake, put the pan on a damp cloth to cool down for ten seconds, pour a spoon of batter and move it to the stove to continue frying. This amount can fry 5 muffins. You don’t want to decorate it. Can be eaten for breakfast;

Soufflé Muffins with Durian Milk White Sauce recipe

11. The method of milk white sauce: 100 grams of milk, add 10 grams of Yulai starch, stir evenly and bring to a boil on low heat, stir while boiling, and remove from heat when it is thick

Soufflé Muffins with Durian Milk White Sauce recipe

12. Take a piece of durian and press it into a puree, add it to the white sauce, stir until the two are merged, and sift it again;

Soufflé Muffins with Durian Milk White Sauce recipe

13. Pour on the muffins and decorate with raspberries and blueberries.

Soufflé Muffins with Durian Milk White Sauce recipe

14. Finished picture

Soufflé Muffins with Durian Milk White Sauce recipe


Muffins can be simmered with a lid when the last minute is left.


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